For citation:
Vakulenko N. V., Ivashchenko N. N., Kotlyakov V. M., Sonechkin D. M. On the period-multiplying bifurcation of glacial cycles in the pliocene – pleistocene. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 88-112. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2013-21-2-88-112
On the period-multiplying bifurcation of glacial cycles in the pliocene – pleistocene
In the Pliocene (about five – two million years before present) global climate fluctuated with a period corresponding well 41-thousand-year cycle of changes in the Earth’s axis inclination to the ecliptic plane. Then, this period has disappeared, despite the fact that the 41-thousand-year cycle even slightly increased its scope and, therefore, the response to it would have only strengthened. By analyzing paleoclimatic series covering the Pliocene and subsequent Pleistocene, we show that the response of the climate system simply became unstable and therefore unobservable. At the same time, through perioddoubling bifurcation, a well-known in the theory of nonlinear dynamical systems, new stable and observable climatic oscillations have been excited. Further, they experienced several secondary bifurcations, at which their periods alternately tripled and doubled again.
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