For citation:
Zamorozkov B. M. Phase focusing in magnetrone with plane electrodes. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2002, vol. 10, iss. 4, pp. 34-41.
Phase focusing in magnetrone with plane electrodes
One of the most used microwave generators is the magnetron. The number of works devoted to both experimental and theoretical study of this type of generators is extremely large, but most of the theoretical works on the magnetron consider the latter out of connection with other types of generators of ultrahigh-frequency oscillations (triode in a braking field, electron-beam generators). Recent years have been marked by attempts of a number of authors to find such physical regularities, which would be common to the mechanism controlling the maintenance of oscillations in all known up to now types of ultrahigh-frequency generators. The experience of constructing a generalised theory of ultrahigh-frequency generators on the basis of phase focusing ideas was undertaken in 1939 by Professor Golubkov of the Saratov State University. In a number of published works devoted to this question, the main types of generators in their "classical" form were considered. The present work is an application of the ideas expressed to the magnetron oscillator.
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