«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2002, Vol. 10, Iss. 4
- 381 reads
History. Personalia
Trubetskov D. I., Zharkov Y. D., Hramov A. E.
Chair of Electronics, oscillation and waves of Saratov state university
From Books and Journals
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Bezruchko B. P., Prokhorov M. D., Seleznev E. P.
Oscillation types, multistability, and basins of attractors in symmetrically coupled period-doubling systems
Bezruchko B. P., Dikanev T. V., Smirnov D. A.
Test for uniqueness and continuity in global reconstruction of model equations from time series
Andreev K. V., Krasichkov L. V.
Sаmе peculiarities оf synchronization under changing thе connection structure in small model neuron ensembles, described by piecewise continuous maps and piecewise discontinuous maps