For citation:
Abraham N. B., Khandokhin P. A., Zhislina V. G. Relaxation oscillations in solid-state lasers with derivative feedback . Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1998, vol. 6, iss. 4, pp. 86-93. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1998-6-4-86-93
Relaxation oscillations in solid-state lasers with derivative feedback
The feedback proportional to е derivative of laser intensity can affect only the system stability without changing the system steady state. In the present work by the example of a two-mode solid-state Jaser we show the possibility to excite quasi-sinusoidal self-modulation regime using only negative feedback which is proportional in this case to the derivative of the strong mode intensity l1. The region of parameters at which the stationary regime becomes unstable is found. Modulation of pump parameter being introduced in с laser equations as A=A0 (1+ξ(t)) and feedback as - K(dl1/dt). K is the feedback coefficient which we changs to gol the unstability region. At approaching the bifurcation boundary the effect of regencrative amplification of noise in the vicinity of low-frequency relaxation oscillation must be observed. In the iransfer functions (in the presence of the feedback) it looks like disappearing of high frequency peak while low frequency peak grows and narrows. The effect of regenerative amplification of noise (increase in the amplitude of the low frequency peak) is accompanicd by the effect of tolal suppression of the high frequency relaxaiion oscillation and by а significant decrease of the system sensitivity to the external perturbations.
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