For citation:
Popova A. N., Klimenkov B. D., Grabovskiy A. Y. Scientific school of plasma nanotechnologies and plasma power engineering in Mining University. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, vol. 29, iss. 2, pp. 317-336. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2021-29-2-317-336
Scientific school of plasma nanotechnologies and plasma power engineering in Mining University
The article is written for the 55th Anniversary of St. Petersburg Mining University Plasma School. Purpose. It is needed to highlight the history of teaching and research physical branches at the Mining University, as well as reflect plasma nanotechnologies and plasma power engineering current trends in the work of the scientific school. Methods. Search and systematization of bibliographic material, reflecting the role of well-known domestic and foreign science figures at the Plasma School, formed on the basis of the Mining University General and Technical Physics Department. Results. As a result of the bibliographic and historical material study, a connection between famous scientists of the XIX–XXI centuries (such as A. I. Sadovsky, B. P. Weinberg, V. F. Mitkevich, M. A. Chatelain, A. A. Petrovsky, N. S. Kurnakov, A. F. Ioffe, G. A. Mesyatz, F. G. Rutberg, V. E. Fortov, Eu. S. Polzik) with the SPMU General and Technical Physics Department activities was established. The history, the relevance and world significance of the scientific direction, which arose in 1965 simultaneously with the problem laboratory creation and continues to develop at the Mining University, is argued. Prominent specialists in the low-temperature plasma physics field stood at the origins of the plasma nanotechnology and power engineering scientific school, among whom the founder of the scientific school, D.Sc. Professor L. A. Sena. The scientific school head currently is the head of the SPMU General and Technical Physics Department, D.Sc. Professor A. S. Mustafaev. Information on the Plasma School development, its scientific contacts, breakthrough scientific discoveries, the latest tendencies in the plasma nanotechnologies and plasma power engineering field, new applied areas arising in solving fundamental problems is presented. Conclusion. For the first time, the historical roots, formation and development stages of the plasma nanotechnologies and plasma power engineering scientific school at the Mining University are presented to a wide range of readers. New interdisciplinary scientific directions that have arisen in the last two decades are highlighted.
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