«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2021, Vol. 29, Iss. 2
- 3827 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Sutyagin A. A., Kanakov O. I.
Collective classifier learning strategy based upon competition in the coexistence regime
Mishchenko M. A., Kovaleva N. S., Polovinkin A. V., Matrosov V. V.
Excitation of phase-controlled oscillator by pulse sequence
Innovations in applied physics
Grachev A. A., Beginin E. N., Martyshkin A. A., Khutieva A. B., Filchenkov . O., Sadovnikov A. V.
Nonlinear Fano resonance in a coupled system magnonic microwave-guide – resonator
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons. Autowaves. Self-Organization.
Rybalova E. V., Anishchenko V. S.
Influence of noise on spiral and target wave regimes in two-dimensional lattice of locally coupled maps
Goldobin D. S., Dolmatova A. V.
Reduced cumulant models for macroscopic dynamics of Kuramoto ensemble with multiplicative intrinsic noise
Dudko G. M., Khivintsev Y. V., Sakharov V. K., Kozhevnikov A. V., Vysotskii S. L., Seleznev M. E., Filimonov Y. A.
Micromagnetic modeling of self-focusing effect of backward volume magnetostatic waves in iron-yttrium garnet films