For citation:
Astakhov V. V., Shabunin A. V. Synchronization of chaotic oscillators by means of periodic modulation of the coupling coefficient. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1997, vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 15-29. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1997-5-1-15-29
Synchronization of chaotic oscillators by means of periodic modulation of the coupling coefficient
We investigate synchronization of oscillators with chaos by high frequency periodic modulation of the coupling coefficient. As models we use non—autonomous nonlinear oscillators and Chua’s self—oscillators coupled via а capacity. For the non—autonomous oscillators regions of stability of in—phase oscillations were determined both analytically and in numeric experiment. Phenomena of stabilization of synchronous motions in the self-oscillators were investigated by numeric experiments. Bosides low—dimensional systems we consider the spatial synchronization in а chain of coupled oscillators with periodic boundary conditions. The effect of synchronization is investigated in dependence on the number of elements in the chain. We show that spatial synchronization by parametric modulation of the coupling takes place only in chains of finite length.
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