For citation:
Dmitriev I. E. The mapping of human electroencephalogram correlation dimension. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1998, vol. 6, iss. 6, pp. 39-49. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1998-6-6-39-49
The mapping of human electroencephalogram correlation dimension
The paper studies а spatial distribution of correlation dimension extracted from human electroencephalogram recordings during some stages of brain activity. This method allows us to describe a spatiotemporal pattern of brain activity in terms of dimension of the system of coupled neuronal macrooscillators responsible for the electroencephalogram signal. The influence of elementary mental and physiological loads on correlation dimension map which corresponds to alert relaxation state is analyzed. The method is applied to the investigation of one subject’s altered states of consciousness.
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