For citation:
Maksimov A. G. On construction of two asymptotic orbits in the phase space of dynamic systems. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1994, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 43-51.
On construction of two asymptotic orbits in the phase space of dynamic systems
The method of numerical construction of bifurcation multitude corresponding to the existence of two asymptotic orbits in the phase space G of finite dimensional dynamic systems has been suggested. It is based on the analysis of mutual arrangement of one dimensional unstable separatrice and a family of contactless surface in G. The described method sufficiently decreases expenditure of «computer» time and it is rather effective even in the case of complex bifurcation multitudes and two asymptotic orbits. The results of application of the method for particular dynamic systems are given.
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