«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1994, vol. 2, Iss. 1

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Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Abarbanel G. ., Rabinovich M. I., Cimring L. S.
"Crystals" and "quasicrystals" in nonequilibrium media
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Osipov G. V., Sushik M. M.
The mechanism of the formation of localized structures in coupled chains of self-excited oscillators
Ponomarenko V. P., Zaulin I. A.
Complex dynamics of the systems with the unonly equilibrium state
Bazhenov M. V., Sabaev E. F.
The global boundedness of solutions to some equations of mathematical physics
Deterministic Chaos
Alekseev A. A., Kozlov A. K., Shalfeev V. D.
Chaotic regime and synchronous response in generator with frequency feedback control loop