ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Mukhin Ravil Rafkatovich

Mukhin Ravil Rafkatovich's picture
First name: 
Middle name: 
Профессор Старооскольского технологического института НИТУ МИСиС
Additional information: 
Область научных интересов – история физико-математических наук.

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Mukhin R. R. From the history of Hamiltonian chaos: billiards
Mukhin R. R., Chernikova A. A. About the history of econophysics, nonlinear and evolutionary economics
Mukhin R. R. Dynamical chaos: the difficult path discovering
Bogatov E. M., Mukhin R. R. The relation between the nonlinear analysis, bifurcations and nonlinear dynamics (on the example of voronezh school of nonlinear functional analysis)
Bogatov E. M., Mukhin R. R. About the history of nonlinear integral equations
Bogatov E. M., Mukhin R. R. The averaging method, a pendulum with a vibrating suspension: N.N. Bogolyubov, A. Stephenson, P.L. Kapitza and others
Mukhin R. R. Chaos and nonintegrability in hamiltonian systems
Mukhin R. R. From the history of hamiltonian chaos: research of stochasticity in nonlinear systems by the novosibirsk school
Mukhin R. R. Essays on the history of dynamic chaos. Research in the USSR in the 1950-1980s
Mukhin R. R. Legacy of Alexander Mikhailovich Lyapunov and nonlinear dynamics
Mukhin R. R. Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger and condensed matter physics in the soviet union
Mukhin R. R. From the history of the theory of dynamical systems: Problem of classification
Mukhin R. R. Kolmogorov and KAM-thеоrу: Remarks on the history of the theory creation