ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Neimark Yurij Isaakovich

Neimark Yurij Isaakovich's picture
First name: 
Middle name: 
Профессор ННГУ, Академик РАЕН
Additional information: 
Автор 8 монографий и более 400 работ по теории колебаний, теоретической механике, теории управления.

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Neimark Y. I., Levin A. Y. Does god dice?
Neimark Y. I. Crisis of evolution and a collective people game
Neimark Y. I., Levin A. Y. Does god dice?
Neimark Y. I., Kotelnikov I. V., Teklina L. G. New approach to numerical research of the concrete dynamic systems by methods of pattern recognition and statistical modelling
Neimark Y. I. Mathematical Modeling as Science and Art
Neimark Y. I., Smirnova V. N. Paradox of painleve and auto-oscillation with coulomb friction
Neimark Y. I. The ideal game of people in the society
Neimark Y. I. The mathematical model of society allowing то answer the question ом principles of its functioning, organization and operating
Neimark Y. I., Ostrovsky A. V. On some models of price forming in market economy
Neimark Y. I. About the course "Mathematical models of natural science and technology"