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Pisarchik A. N., Khorev V. S., Badarin A. A., Antipov V. М., Budarina A. O., Hramov A. E. Methodology of the neurophysiological experiments with visual stimuli to assess foreign language proficiency. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2023, vol. 31, iss. 2, pp. 202-224. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-003031, EDN: ETJCBV
Methodology of the neurophysiological experiments with visual stimuli to assess foreign language proficiency
Aim of this study is to compare different experimental paradigms and to determine parameters suitable for conducting a neurophysiological experiment with visual stimuli to assess foreign language proficiency and providing further time series analysis of electrical brain activity to reveal specific biomarkers.
Methods. This paper explores the possibilities and limitations of various experimental studies using the metaanalysis paradigm. Statistical approaches are used to determine significance of the results.
Results. We review the current state of research in the field of experimental works related to visual stimulus presentation and verbal performance acquisition. Generalizations and analytical estimates of the experimental parameters used in the studies are carried out to provide recommendations for future experimental research.
Conclusion. In this area of applied research, we have developed experimental design and algorithms for working with multiple data sources. In addition, experimental encephalographic studies have been carried out, that allowed the optimal temporal structure selection.
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