For citation:
Lebedeva L. V. Phase pictures of standard map of torus. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1996, vol. 4, iss. 4, pp. 21-29.
Phase pictures of standard map of torus
The standard torus map which defines the dynamics of a number of physical systems is a very complex mathematical object. The ways of transition from regular behaviour to chaos, existence of period doubling bifurcations and bifurcations of heteroclinic structures are the characteristic features of the dynamics of this map rousing the great interest of scientists at present. This paper contains series of phase pictures of standard map of torus with the following: the structure of countability set of different cycles of fixed points, the parametric dependence of structure of phase trajectory set, the velocity of completing of phase torus with separatrix of hyperbolic fixed point.
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