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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
On dynamics of nonlinear systems under external quasi-periodic force near the terminal point of the torus-doubling bifurcation curve
Numerical modelling of the evolution of dynamical regimes in autooscillatory system with frequency control
Bifurcation of chaotic synchronization in Rossler system with harmonic exitation
The multiplicators of periodical solutions for the generator with the piece-wise linear element
The subtle effects of the piece-wise -linear system self-similar behaviour near the line of the torus birth bifurcation
Dynamics of model systems with discrete time driven by binary self-similar sequences
Ultrashort pulse-train instabilities in additive-pulse mode-locked lasers
Three Kerr media in nonlinear Fizeau interferometer: factors effecting on bifurcation behaviour
Bifurcation diagram in case of ring interferometer containing liquid crystal: effect of diffusion
Bifurcations in the point model of ring interferometer with delay and field turn
Mechanisms of chaotic synchronization loss in the system of coupled cubic maps
On synchronization of quasi-periodic oscillation at C-bifurcations in a piecewise-linear nonautonomous dynamic system
Regimes of behaviour in the system of coupled oscillators with phase control
Chaotic oscillation in piecewise-linear model of the relay system with hysteresis
About the problem of chaos boundary and typical structures at the parameter plane of non-autonomic discrete maps with period doubling
On invariant manifolds of stable trajectories in quasiperiodically forced nonlinear dynamical systems
On dynamics of the Henon map
Dynamical systems of different classes as models of the kicked non-linear oscillator
Quasipotential method in local stability analysis of the stochastically forced limit cycles
Birth and death of fractal tore in the Belousov - Zhabotinsky reaction model
Forced oscillation modes in a birhythmic system of two coupled relaxation oscillators near Andronoy - Hopf bifurcation
A variety of critical phenomena associated with the golden mean quasiperiodicity
Conjugate resonances in nonlinear systems under biharmonical action. Vibro-induced bifurcations
Return time dynamics in dependence to choice of the poincare section
About dynamics оf two Van der Pol - Duffing oscillators with dissipative coupling
Stochastical sensitivity оf cycles оf Roessler system in transition to chaos
On some tуре оf transition from order tо chaos in thе system of coupled maps with period doubling
Two-dimensional tunnel bifurcations
Riddling in the presence of small parameter mismatch
Investigating the transition to phase synchronization in experimental nonlinear optics
Critical behavior оf thе мар with Neimark-Sackers bifurcation for the phase synchronization breakup at the accumulation point of period doubling cascade
Bifurcations of one-parameter families of steady state regimes in model of a filtrational convection
Bifurcations in van der pol oscillator with a hard excitation in a presence of parametrical noise: quasi-harmonic analyzes and the numerical simulations
«Oscillator death» and quasiperiodic bifurcations in low-dimensional ensemble of van der Pol oscillators
New type of bifurcations in the modified Rayleigh–Benard convection problem
Complex dynamics in the system of two coupled discrete Rossler oscillators
Parametric generators with chaotic amplitude dynamics corresponding to attractors of smale–williams type
On scenarios of hyperbolic chaos destruction in model maps on torus with dissipative perturbation
Attractor of smale–williams type in a ring system with periodic frequency modulation
The research of excited by external signal system of two coupled van der Pol oscillators at transition to the regime of amplitude death in the autonomous system
Dynamics of three coupled van der Pol oscillators with non-identical controlling parameters
Changes of the parameter plane of driven auto-oscillatory system caused by delayed modulation of the parameter
Optimum external impulse of low power for activation of one- dimensional dynamic system
Influence of fluctuations on evolution of three-dimensional torus in nonautonomous system
Local dynamics of difference and difference-differential equations
Regular and chaotic dynamics of two-ring phase locked system. Part 1 - Dynamics of frequency-phase system with identical first-order filters in control circuits
Backward stochastic bifurcations of the henon map
Bifurcations in the problem of thermal convection of viscoelastic fluid in a closed cavity with free boundaries heated from below
Period doubling bifurcations and noise excitation effects in a multistable self-sustained oscillatory medium
Dynamic regimes and multistability in the system of non-symmetrically coupled two-dimensional maps with period-doubling and Neimark–Sacker bifurcations
Formation and breakdown of a multilayered closed curve in noninvertible maps
Bifurcation analysis of synchronization and amplitude death in coupled generators with inertial nonlinearity
Bifurcations and oscillatory modes in complex system with phase control
Regular and chaotic dynamics of two-ring phase locked system. Part 2 - Peculiarities of nonlinear dynamics of frequency-phase system with identical third-order filters in control circuits
Bifurcations in active predator – passive prey model
Analysis of noiseinduced bifurcations for the Hopf system
Stochastic sensitivity of equilibrium and cycles for 1D discrete maps
Bifurcations of a two-dimensional torus in piecewise-smooth dynamical systems
On the way towards multidimensional tori
Experimental study of stochastic phenomena in a selfsustained oscillator with subcritical andronov–hopf bifurcation
Noise-induced bifurcations in bistable oscillator
An example of hard turbulence in the channels and jokers system
Hopf bifurcations of cycles of period two of two-dimensional logistic map
Dynamics of the sprott’s coupled oscillators with nonidentical control parameters
About scaling properties in the noisy circle map at the golden-mean winding number
Dynamics of two nonidentical coupled self-sustained systems with period doublings on the example of Rossler oscillators
Automodel periodic solutions and bifurcations from them in the problem of the interaction of two weakly coupled oscillators
Bifurcational mechanisms of destruction of antiphase chaotic synchronization in coupled discrete-time systems
Antiphase synchronization and multistability formation in symmetrically coupled bistable systems
Bifurcation theory inverse problem in a noisy dynamical system. Example solution
Two-parametric bifurcational analysis of regimes of complete synchronization in ensemble of three discrete-time oscillators
Four-dimensional system with torus attractor birth via saddle-node bifurcation of limit cycles in context of family of blue sky catastrophes
Effective criteria for the existence of homoclinic bifurcations in dissipative systems
Bifurcation of universal regimes at the border of chaos
Features of the parameter plane of two nonidentical coupled Van der Pol – Duffing oscillators
Noise-induced backward bifurcations in stochastic Roessler system
Two-parametric bifurcational analysis of formation and destruction of regimes of partial synchronization of chaos in ensemble of three discrete-time oscillators
Birth of a stable torus from the critical closed curve and its bifurcations in a laser system with frequency detuning
Critical dynamics for one-dimensional maps part 1: feigenbaum's scenario
Критическая динамика одномерных отображений. Часть 2. Двухпараметрический переход к хаосу
Нелинейная динамика системы гемостаза
Бифуркационный анализ неавтономного маятникового уравнения из теории систем фазовой синхронизации
Traveling waves solution in parabolic problem with a rotation (Retracted 25.03.2022)
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