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Khutieva A. B., Grachev A. A., Beginin E. N., Sadovnikov A. V. Propagation of spin waves in a lattice of laterally and vertically coupled YIG microwaveguides by changing the magnetization angle in linear and nonlinear modes. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024, vol. 32, iss. 1, pp. 57-71. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-003084, EDN: TPROZK
Propagation of spin waves in a lattice of laterally and vertically coupled YIG microwaveguides by changing the magnetization angle in linear and nonlinear modes
Purpose. Investigation of the joint manifestation of the effects of anisotropic signal propagation, coupling, and nonlinear power dependence of the medium parameters in a lattice of laterally and vertically coupled spin-wave (SW) microwaveguides. Consideration of the case of the influence of the rotation of the magnetization angle and the change of the lateral gap between microwaveguides located on the same substrate on the transverse profile of the spin-wave beam and the spatial localization of the SW amplitude.
Methods. The method of micromagnetic modeling based on the numerical solution of the Landau–Lifshitz–Hilbert equation shows the possibility of controlling the direction of propagation of SW in an ensemble of laterally and vertically coupled iron yttrium garnet (YIG) microwaveguides by changing the magnetization angle. By the method of numerical integration of the system of coupled discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations, the possibility of changing the transverse profile of the spin-wave beam by changing the level of the initial signal amplitude is shown.
Results. The spatial distributions of the components of the dynamic magnetization of the SW excited in two microwaveguides located on the same substrate obtained in micromagnetic simulations indicate a change in the character of localization of the SW power in the output sections of the microwaveguides. At variation of the lattice magnetization angle, a shift of the threshold power value is observed, at which a characteristic curbing of the transverse width of the spin-wave beam in the nonlinear mode appears.
Conclusion. When excitation of surface magnetostatic SW in a lattice of laterally and vertically coupled microwaveguides, a transformation of the transverse profile of the wave is observed at a deviation of the magnetization angle of the structure by 15º , which is manifested in the change of the SW length and its localization in each of the microwaveguides. The combined effects of dipole coupling, gyrotropy, and nonlinearity of the medium make it possible to control the value of the threshold power of the SW, at which the mode of diffractionless propagation of the spin-wave beam is realized in a single layer of the structure.
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