«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2024, Vol. 32, Iss. 1
- 1421 reads
Beginin E. N., Morozova M. A., Savin A. V.
To the anniversary of the Department of Nonlinear Physics of Saratov State University
Kuznetsov A. P., Ryskin N. M.
Department of Dynamic Systems of Saratov State University on the basis of the SB IRE RAS — 25 years
Bifurcation in Dynamical Systems. Deterministic Chaos. Quantum Chaos.
Turukina L. V.
Parametric interaction of modes in the presence of quadratic or cubic nonlinearity
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Isaeva O. B., Lubchenko D. O.
Comparative analysis of the secure communication schemes based on the generators of hyperbolic strange attractor and strange nonchaotic attractor
Adilova A. B., Ryskin N. M.
Synchronization of oscillators with hard excitation coupled with delay Part 1. Phase approximation
Khutieva A. B., Grachev A. A., Beginin E. N., Sadovnikov A. V.
Propagation of spin waves in a lattice of laterally and vertically coupled YIG microwaveguides by changing the magnetization angle in linear and nonlinear modes
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
Kuptsov P. V., Stankevich N. V.
Modeling of the Hodgkin–Huxley neural oscillators dynamics using an artificial neural network
Navrotskaya E. V., Kurbako A. V., Ponomarenko V. I., Prokhorov M. D.
Synchronisation of the ensemble of nonidentical FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators with memristive couplings