ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
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Yeryomka V. D. Terahertz vacuum electromagnetic radiation sources: evolution zigzag from klynotron to klynoorbictron. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2013, vol. 21, iss. 1, pp. 7-34. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2013-21-1-7-34

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Terahertz vacuum electromagnetic radiation sources: evolution zigzag from klynotron to klynoorbictron

Yeryomka Viktor Danilovich, A.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Investigation and development of efficient electromagnetic oscillations sources are one of the topical issues in the field of terahertz radiophysics and electronics. A frequency region is regarded as an explored for which oscillating, amplifying and measurement devices have not been developed. The exploration of the terahertz frequency range is at the initial state. In a review paper, published in one of the USA scientific journal [1], which was devoted to the terahertz radiation vacuum sources there is some reminder of using, a «klynotron effect» in the BWO developed at the IRE NASU. The aim of the present paper is to give a short description of the contribution to exploring the terahertz frequency range which was made by researchers and developers of oscillatory and measurement devices. These facilities were proposed and engineered at A. Usikov IRE NASU over the period 1956–2011. This paper also contains the feeling appreciation and gratitude to the Department of electronics of N.G. Chernyshevskiy Saratov state university on the occasion of its 60-th anniversary. The university graduates made a tangible contribution to the development a microwave electronics as well as to the study into the «klynotron effect». We have obtained the results from the investigation of the coherent terahertz region vacuum sources with nonrelativistic-tilted-to the surface of the periodic structure by an electron flow. This work was done using the techniques of physical and mathematical experiment. Evolutionary development was traced from the O-type BWO-klynotron to klynoorbictron. We have demonstrated the promising exploration of the terahertz radiation vacuum sources with smooth tuning of an output signal frequencies in which the «klynotron effect» is utilized. The information we have provided extends the knowledge about potential capabilities of terahertz electromagnetic radiation vacuum sources with an tilted sheet electron flow. The author’s historical comments are not devoid of shortcoming some because they reflect his knowledges and prejudices.

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