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Neiman A. B. The cumulant approach for the investigation of bifurcations of dynamical systems driven by the external noise. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1995, vol. 3, iss. 3, pp. 8-21.
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The cumulant approach for the investigation of bifurcations of dynamical systems driven by the external noise
Neiman Aleksander Borisovich, Ohio University
The problems of bifurcation analysis of noisy systems are considered. The technique of bifurcation analysis based on the cumulant expansion is proposed. The noise influence оn the mode-lockirg bifurcations in the circle map and оn the period-doubling bifurcations in the Feigenbaum map is considered as examples.
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The author expresses sincere gratitude to Yu.L. Klimontovich and V.S. Anishchenko for support of the work and valuable comments. The author is grateful to J. Kurths, U. Feudel, W. Ebeling, A. S. Pikovsky and L. Schimansky-Geier for discussing the results of the work.
The work was partially supported by funds from the International Science Foundation (grant NRO 000) and the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia (grant 93-8.2-10).
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