For citation:
Arshinov A. I., Mudarisov R. R., Poizner B. N. Transversal dynamics of laser beam in а nonlinear optical system with two-dimensional feedback: interpretation of simulation results. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1995, vol. 3, iss. 6, pp. 100-111.
Transversal dynamics of laser beam in а nonlinear optical system with two-dimensional feedback: interpretation of simulation results
Transversal spatial-temporary dynamics of phase changes и(x,y,t) of a laser beam, i. e. optical structures, in a system with Kerr nonlinearity, with two-dimensional feedback is investigated by numerical methods within the framework of Akhmanov - Vorontsov model. Principles of the analysis of laser beam phase changes transversal dynamics, enabling to explain and to predict a u(x,y.t) kind depending on parameters largescale transformation of laser beam field in feedback, nonlinearity parameter, diffusion coefficient and relaxation time of molecules of nonlinear liquid crystal media are discussed. Regimes of the u(x,y,t) periodic change are described. Ways of quantitative valuation of structurization processes are offered. The description methods of nonlinear optical systems behavior are suggested.
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