«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1995, vol. 3, Iss. 6

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Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Tatarkova S. A., Tuchin V. V.
Bifurcation mechanisms, properties and structure of the chaotic attractors in the laser model with saturable absorber
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Rabinovich E. M., Kowalski J. M., Littler C. L., West B. J.
Dynamical instabilities in a CO2, laser with an externally modulated optical feedback
Sokolov A. A., Tatarkov G. N.
Numerical investigation of passive mode locking dynamics in unidirectional ring laser
Deterministic Chaos
Kaptsov L. N., Rostovtsev A. V.
Relaxation frequencies in a solid-state laser system with crossing beams
Melnikov L. A., Veshneva I. V., Konjuhov A. I.
The numerical simulation of transverse pattern dynamics in a laser
Arshinov A. I., Mudarisov R. R., Poizner B. N.
Transversal dynamics of laser beam in а nonlinear optical system with two-dimensional feedback: interpretation of simulation results
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons
Kozlov V. V., Fradkin E. E.
Self-induced - transparency soliton propagation under the influence of far-resonant transition line
Rabinovich M. I., Tsimring M. S.
Stochastization of monochromatic wave propagation in an optical single-mode fiber
Autowaves. Self-organization
Zimnyakov D. А., Tuchin V. V., Mishin A. A., Larin K. V.
Корреляционная размерность спекл-полей для рассеивающих структур с фрактальными свойствами