ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

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Sharaevsky Y. P., Grishin S. V., Vdovina G. M. Trubetskov Scientific School. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2021, vol. 29, iss. 4, pp. 676-698. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2021-29-4-676-698

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Trubetskov Scientific School

Sharaevsky Yury Pavlovich, Saratov State University
Grishin Sergej Valerevich, Saratov State University
Vdovina Galina Mihajlovna, Saratov State University

The School of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Dmitry Ivanovich Trubetskov is a unique phenomenon widely known to the scientific community both in Russia and abroad. Its includes science, education and a lot of educational activities. The uniqueness of the School of D. I. Trubetskov is that it covers a wide range of current scientific areas: vacuum electronics, magnetoelectronics, nonlinear dynamics, etc. The School of D. I. Trubetskov is still a wide range of events, the participants of which are young scientists who make scientific reports, and lecturers are world-renowned scientists. Among such events, we would especially like to highlight the Winter Schools-Seminars on Microwave Electronics for Engineers and Scientists, held since 1970 with a periodicity of 2–3 years, and the International Scientific School “Chaotic oscillations and waves – CHAOS”, held since 1985 with a periodicity of 3 years. In 1988 D. I. Trubetskov organizes the first scientific school for schoolchildren “Oscillations, Waves, Electrons”, held at intervals of 2 years. Since 1997 the school has been called “Nonlinear days in Saratov for young people”. Since 1995, the Scientific School of D. I. Trubetskov was recognized as the winner of the competition for the title of the leading Scientific School in Russia five times.

  1. Strikhanov MN, Trubetskov DI, Koronovskii AA, Sharaevskii YP, Hramov AE. Higher School of Russia from the Standpoint of Nonlinear Dynamics (Problems, Estimates, Models). Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2007. 192 p. (in Russian).
  2. Haken H. Synergetics. An Introduction Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions and Self-Organization in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Berlin: Springer; 1978. 355 p. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-96469-5.
  3. Koronovskii AA, Strikhanov MN, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE, Tsukanova IV. Application of cellular automata for modeling of the teaching staff dynamics in higher school of Russian Federation. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2001;9(6):154–167 (in Russian).
  4. Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear dynamics and education. Congress of Russian Physicists and Teachers «Physical Education in the XXI Century». Moscow: Moscow State University; 2000. P. 171 (in Russian).
  5. Kuznetsov AP, Kuznetsov SP, Levin YI, Trubetskov DI, Sharaevskii YP. Nonlinear dynamics as an educational concept. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference «Universities in the Formation of a Specialist in the XXI Century». No. 4. Perm; 1999. P. 24 (in Russian).
  6. Bogomolov AM, Trubetskov DI, Levin YI. College of Applied Sciences of Saratov University. Higher Education in Russia. 1993;(4):24 (in Russian).
  7. Beginin EN, Dmitriev BS, Levin YI, Sharaevskii YP. The role of a physical experiment in university education. Proceedings of the Conference of the CIS Countries «Modern Physics Workshop». St. Petersburg; 2002. P. 40 (in Russian).
  8. Koronovskii AA, Strikhanov MN, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE. The current state of higher education on the example of one university: Diagnostic methods and methods of correction. Science of Science. 2003;(4):97 (in Russian).
  9. Dmitriev BS, Levin YI, Sharaevskii YP. University physical education. Physical Education in Universities. 2002;8(2):5–13 (in Russian).
  10. Haken H. Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Natur. Synergetik: Die Lehre vom Zusammenwirken. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt; 1992. 254 s. (in German).
  11. Grishin SV, Grishin VS, Romanenko DV, Sharaevskii YP. An ultrawideband spin-wave medium power chaos generator based on field-effect transistors. Tech. Phys. Lett. 2014;40(10):853–856. DOI: 10.1134/S106378501410006X.
  12. Dmitriev BS, Hramov AE, Koronovskii AA, Starodubov AV, Trubetskov DI, Zharkov YD. First experimental observation of generalized synchronization phenomena in microwave oscillators. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009;102(7):074101. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.074101.
  13. Grishin SV, Dmitriev BS, Zharkov YD, Skorokhodov VN, Sharaevskii YP. Generation of chaotic microwave pulses in a ring system based on a klystron power amplifier and a nonlinear delay line on magnetostatic waves. Tech. Phys. Lett. 2010;36(1):76–79. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785010010244.
  14. Grishin SV, Dmitriev BS, Zharkov JD, Manyshev RA, Skorohodov VN. Chaotic microwave pulse generation in wideband spinwave and vacuum oscillators of chaos under external periodical influence. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012;20(5):137–155 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2012-20-5-137-155.
  15. Ginzburg NS, Abubakirov EB, Vilkov MN, Zotova IV, Sergeev AS. Generation of a periodic high-power ultrashort pulse sequences in a chain of coupled traveling-wave tubes operating in the regimes of amplification and nonlinear Kompfner suppression. Tech. Phys. Lett. 2017;43(9): 842–845. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785017090164.
  16. Ginzburg NS, Denisov GG, Vilkov MN, Sergeev AS, Zotova IV, Samsonov SV, Mishakin SV. Generation of trains of ultrashort microwave pulses by two coupled helical gyro-TWTs operating in regimes of amplification and nonlinear absorption. Phys. Plasmas. 2017;24(2):023103. DOI: 10.1063/1.4975084.
  17. Ginzburg NS, Abubakirov EB, Vilkov MN, Zotova IV, Sergeev AS. Generation of a periodic sequence of high-powerful ultrashort pulses in a chain of coupled backward-wave and traveling-wave tubes operating in the regimes of amplification and nonlinear Kompfner suppression. Tech. Phys. 2018;63(8):1205–1211. DOI: 10.1134/S1063784218080078.
  18. Grishin SV, Dmitriev BS, Moskalenko OI, Skorokhodov VN, Sharaevskii YP. Self-generation of chaotic dissipative multisoliton complexes supported by competing nonlinear spin-wave interactions. Phys. Rev. E. 2018;98(2):022209. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.98.022209.
  19. Grishin SV, Dmitriev BS, Razuvaev FP, Skorokhodov VN, Titov VN, Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear signal suppression in a traveling wave tube. Tech. Phys. 2021 (sent to press).
  20. Ginzburg NS, Rozental RM, Sergeev AS, Fedotov AE, Zotova IV, Tarakanov VP. Generation of rogue waves in gyrotrons operating in the regime of developed turbulence. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2017;119(3):034801. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.034801.
  21. Grishin SV, Dmitriev BS, Skorokhodov VN. Generation of giant amplitude pulses in a klystron chaos auto-oscillator. Tech. Phys. Lett. 2019;45(10):989–993. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785019100079.
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  24. Trubetskov DI, Krasnova GM. Theory of pregeneration mode in BWO in the frame of two-dimensional model. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015;23(4):71–79 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2015-23-4-71-79.
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  28. Smullin LD, Haus HA, editors. Noise in Electron Devices. New York: Wiley; 1959. 430 p.
  29. Solntsev VA. Nonlinear analysis of a carcinotrode: A BWO with an automodulation of the cathode emission. J. Commun. Technol. Electron. 2000;45(Suppl. 1):S39–S45.
  30. Titov AV. An approximate nonlinear theory of double-stream instability. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012;20(3):132–139 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2012-20-3-132-139.
  31. Trubetskov DI, Titov AV, Funtov АА. Interference amplification in an electron-wave tube (Linear Theory). Tech. Phys. Lett. 2013;39(11):977–981. DOI: 10.1134/S1063785013110126.
  32. Trubetskov DI, Titov AV. Theory of electron-wave devices for the short-wave part of the microwave band. J. Commun. Technol. Electron. 2014;59(8):784–791. DOI: 10.1134/S1064226914080221.
  33. Lopukhin VМ. A new kind of microwave amplifier. Phys. Usp. 1950;40(4):592–614 (in Russian). DOI: 10.3367/UFNr.0040.195004b.0592.
  34. Briggs RJ. Two-stream instability. In: Advances in Plasma Physics. Vol. 4. New York: Wiley Interscience; 1971. P. 43.
  35. Titov AV. Two-stream instability – linear and nonlinear microwave phenomena. Part I. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016;24(1):37–74 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2016-24-1-37-74.
  36. Titov AV. Two-stream instability – linear and nonlinear microwave phenomena. Part II. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016;24(2):41–63 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2016-24-2-41-63.
  37. Funtov АА. Noise in resistive-wall amplifier of m-type with «thick» beam. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2018;26(2):59–68 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2018-26-2-59-68.
  38. Funtov АА. About nonlinear theory of two-cavity klystron with a drift space in the form of medium with complex permittivity. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. 2020;28(4):414–424 (in Russian). DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2020-28-4-414-424.
  39. Joint Russian-American program «Basic Research and Higher Education». Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House of Nizhny Novgorod University; 2000. P. 310 (in Russian).
  40. Bezruchko BP, Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE. The Path to Synergetics. Course in Ten Lectures. Moscow: LENAND; 2020. 304 p. (in Russian).
  41. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Oscillations and Waves. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2019. 224 p. (in Russian).
  42. Trubetskov DI, Vdovina GM. Analysis of Dimensions and Similarity in Problems of Oscillations and Waves of Various Physical Nature. Tutorial. Saratov: Techno-Dekor; 2019. 100 p. (in Russian).
  43. Trubetskov DI, Vdovina GM. About Nonlinear Dynamics, Space-Time Chaos and Fractals as Images of Chaos. Tutorial. Saratov: Techno-Dekor; 2019. 96 p. (in Russian).
  44. Trubetskov DI. The Science of Complexities in Persons, Dates and Destinies. How the Foundations of Synergetics Were Laid. A Feast of the Spirit and a Drama of Ideas. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2018. 312 p. (in Russian).
  45. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Chaos and Patterns. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2018. 240 p. (in Russian).
  46. Ryskin NM, Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Waves. The 2nd edition. Moscow: LENAND; 2017. 312 p. (in Russian).
  47. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Oscillations and Waves. The 5th edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2015. 224 p. (in Russian).
  48. Bezruchko BP, Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE. The Path to Synergetics. Course in Ten Lectures. Moscow: LENAND; 2015. 304 p. (in Russian).
  49. Ilyin IV, Trubetskov DI, Ivanov AV, editors. Nonlinear Dynamics of Global Processes. Ch. 1, 5–8. Moscow: Moscow University Press; 2014. 456 p. (in Russian).
  50. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Chaos and Patterns. The 5th edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2014. 240 p. (in Russian).
  51. Trubetskov DI. The Science of Complexities in Persons, Dates and Destinies. How the Foundations of Synergetics Were Laid. A Feast of the Spirit and a Drama of Ideas. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2013. 312 p. (in Russian).
  52. Trubetskov DI. Introduccion a la sinergetica. Oscillaciones y ondas. KRASAND; 2013. 304 p. (in Spanish).
  53. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Oscillations and Waves. The 4th edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2012. 224 p. (in Russian).
  54. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Chaos and Patterns. The 4th edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2012. 240 p. (in Russian).
  55. Trubetskov DI. The Light of Memories Piercing the Years. Saratov: Publishing Center «Nauka»; 2011. 100 p. (in Russian).
  56. Ilyin IV, Trubetskov DI, editors. Modeling Nonlinear Dynamics of Global Processes. Moscow: Moscow University Press; 2010. 412 p. (in Russian).
  57. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Oscillations and Waves. The 3rd edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2010. 224 p. (in Russian).
  58. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Chaos and Patterns. The 3rd edition. Moscow: Book House «LIBROKOM»; 2010. 240 p. (in Russian).
  59. Ilyin IV, Trubetskov DI, Ivanov AV, Strakhova LM. Globalistics as an important element of the education system. In: Scientific Notes. Professor’s Issue. Collection of Scientific Papers. Vol. 6. Saratov: Publishing Center «Nauka»; 2010. P. 252–261 (in Russian).
  60. Kuznetsov AP, Rozhnev AG, Trubetskov DI. Linear Oscillations and Waves. Taskbook. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2010. 128 p. (in Russian).
  61. Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Science in Dates and Persons. Vol. 6. Pt. 2. Saratov: Publishing Center «Nauka»; 2010. 199 p. (in Russian).
  62. Kuraev AA, Trubetskov DI, editors. Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory in Problems of Microwave Electronics. Vol. I. Stationary Processes. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2009. 288 p. (in Russian).
  63. Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE, editors. Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Theory in Problems of Microwave Electronics. Vol. II. Non-stationary and Chaotic Processes. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2009. 392 p. (in Russian).
  64. Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Science in Dates and Persons. Vol. 5. Pt. 1. Saratov: Publishing Center «Nauka»; 2009. 134 p. (in Russian).
  65. Kuznetsov AP, Rozhnev AG, Trubetskov DI. Linear Oscillations and Waves. Taskbook. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2008. 128 p. (in Russian).
  66. Trubetskov DI. Daniil Semyonovich Danin and His Centauristics. Saratov: «College»; 2007. 106 p. (in Russian).
  67. Trubetskov DI. Synchronization: Scientist and Time. Lectures at Schools «Nonlinear Days in Saratov for Young People». Saratov: «College»; 2005. 108 p. (in Russian).
  68. Trubetskov DI, Hramov АЕ. Lectures on Microwave Electronics for Physicists. Vol. 1. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2005. 496 p. (in Russian).
  69. Bezruchko BP, Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE. The Path to Synergetics. Course in Ten Lectures. Moscow: KomKniga; 2005. 304 p. (in Russian).
  70. Trubetskov DI, Mchedlova ES, Krasichkov LV. Introduction to the Theory of Self-Organization of Open Systems: Textbook for Students on Physical Specialties. The 2nd edition. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2005. 212 p. (in Russian).
  71. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Chaos and Patterns. The 2nd edition. Moscow: Editorial URSS; 2004. 240 p. (in Russian).
  72. Trubetskov DI, Hramov АЕ. Lectures on Microwave Electronics for Physicists. Vol. 2. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2004. 648 p. (in Russian).
  73. Trubetskov DI, Hramov АЕ. Lectures on Microwave Electronics for Physicists. Vol. 1. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2003. 496 p. (in Russian).
  74. Trubetskov DI. Introduction to Synergetics. Oscillations and Waves. Moscow: Editorial URSS; 2003. 224 p. (in Russian).
  75. Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Dynamics in Action. How Ideas of Nonlinear Dynamics Penetrate Ecology, Economics and Social Sciences. The 2nd edition. Saratov: «College»; 2002. 324 p. (in Russian).
  76. Trubetskov DI, Mchedlova ES, Krasichkov LV. Introduction to the Theory of Self-Organization of Open Systems: Textbook for Students on Physical Specialties. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2002. 198 p. (in Russian).
  77. Trubetskov DI, Hramov AE, editors. Department of Electronics, Oscillations and Waves: Past, Present, Future. Saratov: «College»; 2002. 122 p. (in Russian).
  78. Trubetskov DI, Rozhnev AG. Linear Oscillations and Waves. Moscow: FIZMATLIT; 2001. 416 p. (in Russian).
  79. Trubetskov DI. «A trace of inspirations and persistent labors». Lectures at Schools «Nonlinear Days in Saratov for Young People». Saratov: «College»; 2001. 104 p. (in Russian).
  80. Ryskin NM, Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Waves. Moscow: Nauka, FIZMATLIT; 2000. 272 p. (in Russian).
  81. Sissakian AN, Trubetskov DI, editors. Problems of Modern Physics: On the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of Saratov State University and the 40th Anniversary of the JINR-SSU Cooperation. Dubna: JINR; 2000. 359 p. (in Russian).
  82. Trubetskov DI, editor. Professors and Ph.D. of the Saratov Region. 1909-1999: Biobibliogr. Ref.: In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1: 1909-1917. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 2000. 246 p. (in Russian).
  83. Rabinovich MI, Trubetskov DI. Introduction to the Theory of Oscillations and Waves. The 3rd edition. Moscow-Izhevsk: Research Center «Regular and Chaotic Dynamics»; 2000. 560 p. (in Russian).
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  85. Trubetskov DI. Oscillations and Waves for the Humanitarian Students. Textbook. Saratov: «College»; 1997. 391 p. (in Russian).
  86. Trubetskov DI, Rozhnev AG, Sokolov DV. Lectures on Microwave Vacuum Microelectronics. Saratov: «College»; 1996. 238 p. (in Russian).
  87. Koronovskii AA, Trubetskov DI. Nonlinear Dynamics in Action. How Ideas of Nonlinear Dynamics Penetrate Ecology, Economics and Social Sciences. Saratov: «College»; 1995. 130 p. (in Russian). 
  88. Trubetskov DI. Oscillations, Waves, Electrons. Pt. 1. Linear Waves. Textbook. Saratov: «College»; 1993. 226 p. (in Russian).
  89. Rabinovich MI, Trubetskov DI. Introduction to the Theory of Oscillations and Waves. The 2nd edition. Moscow: Nauka; 1992. 456 p. (in Russian).
  90. Rabinovich MI, Trubetskov DI. Oscillations and Waves in Linear and Nonlinear Systems. Netherlands: Springer; 1989. 578 р. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-009-1033-1.
  91. Kats AM, Kudryashov VP, Trubetskov DI. Signal in Tubes with a Traveling Wave. Pt. II. M-Type Traveling Wave Tube. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1988. 182 p. (in Russian).
  92. Trubetskov DI. History of microwave vacuum tubes. In: Formation of Radioelectronics. Ch. 12. Moscow: Nauka; 1988. P. 300–333 (in Russian).
  93. Rabinovich MI, Trubetskov DI. Introduction to the Theory of Oscillations and Waves. Moscow: Nauka; 1984. 432 p. (in Russian).
  94. Kats AM, Kudryashov VP, Trubetskov DI. Signal in Tubes with a Traveling Wave. Pt. I. O-Type Traveling Wave Tube. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1984. 144 p. (in Russian).
  95. Trubetskov DI. Elements of the theory of noise in TWT. In: Shevchik VN, Grigoriev MA, editors. Electronic Devices of Microwave Frequencies. Ch. 8. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1980. P. 231–254 (in Russian).
  96. Trubetskov DI. Experimental study of special characteristics of microwave electronic devices. In: Shevchik VN, Grigoriev MA, editors. Electronic Devices of Microwave Frequencies. Ch. 10. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1980. P. 279–302 (in Russian).
  97. Shevchik VN, Trubetskov DI, editors. Backward Wave Tube Electronics. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1975. 194 p. (in Russian).
  98. Bulgakova LV, Fisher VL, Trubetskov DI, Shevchik VN. Lectures on the Electronics of O-Type Microwave Devices (A Discrete Approach to Describing the Interaction of an Electron Beam with HF Electromagnetic Fields). Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1974. 221 p. (in Russian).
  99. Shevchik VN, Trubetskov DI. Analytical Methods of Calculation in Microwave Electronics. Moscow: Sovetskoe Radio; 1970. 584 p. (in Russian).
  100. Trubetskov DI, Sharaevskii YP, Shevchik VN. Noise phenomena in beam amplifiers of the magnetron type. In: Reviews of Electronic Engineering. Ser. Microwave Electronics. Vol. 10 (204). Moscow: Institute «Elektronika»; 1970. P. 122–123 (in Russian).
  101. Trubetskov DI. Description for laboratory works No. 5 and No. 8. In: Shevchik VN, editor. Microwave Electronic Devices. Saratov: Saratov State University Publishing House; 1964. 189 p. (in Russian). 