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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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nonlinear dynamics
To the 85th anniversary of Dmitry Ivanovich Trubetskov
To the 70th anniversary of the Department of Electronics, Oscillations and Waves
Nonlinear dynamics of the predator – prey system in a heterogeneous habitat and scenarios of local interaction of species
Trubetskov Scientific School
Equations with the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam and dislocations nonlinearity
Dynamics of weakly dissipative self-oscillatory system at external pulse influence, which amplitude is depending polynomially on the dynamic variable
Bifurcations and transitions to chaos in superlattice coupled to external resonator
Investigation of stability of nonlinear normal modes in electrical lattices
Nonlinear dynamics of synthetic gene regulatory circuits
Nonlinear dynamics and acoustic signals generated by periodic impacts of corundum probe on the solid surface
Models of volume free electron lasers
Three-dimensional simulation of virtode with toroidal cavities
Complex structure and nonlinear behavior of very low frequency of heart rate variability: model of analysis, and practical applications
From theory of oscillations to nonlinear dynamics
The suppression of the excitation of the active medium with a weak external action
Chaos in volume free electron lasers
Discrete breathers in scalar dynamical models on the plane square lattice
About the history of econophysics, nonlinear and evolutionary economics
Using arduino platform in the measurements and the physical experiment
Wideband chaotic generation and optimization of characteristics in microwave generator with electronic feedback and magnetic periodic focusing system
Temperature effect on drift velocity of electrons in superlattice in electric and tilted magnetic fields
Mathematical model and its numerical realization for the investigation and optimization of generators with electron feedback
Synergetics of mathematical models for analysis of composite materials
Rotational dynamics in the system of two coupled pendulums
Numerical simulation of electron-beam «squeezed» state in purpose to study the possibility of effective plasma frequency increase
About influence of the changed harmonics on dynamics of self-oscillations in discrete time
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