ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

For citation:

Astakhov V. V., Koblyanskiy S. A., Shabunin A. V. Bifurcation analysis of synchronization and amplitude death in coupled generators with inertial nonlinearity. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2010, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 79-97. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2010-18-2-79-97

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Bifurcation analysis of synchronization and amplitude death in coupled generators with inertial nonlinearity

Astakhov Vladimir Vladimirovich, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Koblyanskiy Sergey Andreevich, Saratov State University
Shabunin Aleksej Vladimirovich, Saratov State University

The results of analysis of bifurcation transitions to synchronous regimes and amplitude death are discussed for two dissipatively coupled generators with inertial nonlinearity. It was determined that there are two types of synchronization regions in this system: first consists of both frequency lock and suppression areas, second has only frequency lock area. At the weakly non-identical excitement parameters the first-type synchronization regions merge together. It makes possible the non-bifurcational way of transition between synchronization regions with different rotation numbers.

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