ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Ivanchenko Mihail Vasilevich

Ivanchenko Mihail Vasilevich's picture
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Заведующий кафедрой биоинформатики ННГУ
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Область научных интересов - нелинейная динамика, математическая биология. имеет около 40 печатных работ по данной тематике.

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Ivanchenko M. V., Kanakov O. I., Kotelnikov R. A., Krylov I. B. Nonlinear dynamics of synthetic gene regulatory circuits
Yusipov I. I., Laptyeva T. V., Pirova A. J., Meyerov I. B., Ivanchenko M. V. Few particle diffusion in localizing potentials: chaos and regularity
Ivanchenko M. V. Generation of bursts in ensembles of spiking neurons with nonlocal coupling
Ivanchenko M. V. Generation and synchronization of oscillations in systems with "multiscale" chaos
Ivanchenko M. V. Competition in the two­component model of the immune T-cell ensemble
Ivanchenko M. V. q-­breathers: from the fermi–pasta–ulam paradox to anomalous conductivity
Ivanchenko M. V. Mode localization in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam chains with arbitrary degree of nonlinearity
Savyuk M. O., Krivonosov M. I., Ivanchenko M. V., Poloznikov A. A., Mitroshina E. V., Vedunova M. V. Network activity in primary hippocampal cultures upon HIF-prolyl hydroxylase inhibition
Vershinina O. S., Ivanchenko M. V. Mutual synchronization of oscillations in a system of coupled evolutionary games