For citation:
Moskalenko O. I., Evstifeev E. V. On existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with complex topology of attractor. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2022, vol. 30, iss. 6, pp. 676-684. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-003013, EDN: LSEQWO
On existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with complex topology of attractor
Aim of this work is to study the possibility of existence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in systems with complex attractor topology. Unidirectionally coupled Lorentz systems have been chosen as an object of study, and a modified auxiliary system method has been used to detect the presence of the synchronous regime. Result of the work is a proof of the presence of multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled systems with a complex topology of attractor. For this purpose, the basins of attraction of the synchronous and asynchronous states of interacting Lorenz systems have been obtained for the value of the coupling parameter corresponding to the realization of the intermittent generalized synchronization regime in the system under study, and the dependence of the multistability measure on the value of the coupling parameter has also been calculated. It is shown that in the regime of intermittent generalized synchronization the measure of multistability turns out to be positive, which is an additional confirmation of the presence of multistability in this case.
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