ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Kazantsev Viktor Borisovich

Kazantsev Viktor Borisovich's picture
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Зав.лабораторией ИПФ РАН, зав.кафедрой ННГУ
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Область научных интересов - теория колебаний и волн, структуры и волны в многоэлементных сетевых системах, нейродинамика. Имеет более 70 научных публикаций.

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Matrosov V. V., Boldyreva N. V., Kazantsev V. B. Regular and chaotic oscillations in astrocyte model with regulation of calcium release kinetics
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Autoreset of phase and oscillatory activity patterns in autooscillatory models of neuronal systems
Kazantsev V. B., Vorobev A. V. Oscillatory instability and spontaneous subthreshold oscillations in a network of diffusively coupled calcium oscillators
Matrosov V. V., Gordleeva S. Y., Kazantsev V. B. Calcium oscillations in astrocytes. Part 2 Dynamics of interacting calcium oscillators
Gordleeva S. Y., Matrosov V. V., Kazantsev V. B. Calcium oscillations in astrocytes. Part 1 Astrocyte as generator of calcium oscillations
Bazhanova M. V., Gordleeva S. Y., Kazantsev V. B., Lobov S. А. Control of network bursting discharges by local electrical stimulation in spiking neuron network
Sinitsina M. S., Gordleeva S. Y., Kazantsev V. B., Pankratova E. V. Calcium concentration in astrocytes: Emergence of complicated spontaneous oscillations and their cessation
Hramov A. E., Maksimenko V. A., Frolov N. S., Kurkin S. A., Grubov V. V., Badarin A. A., Andreev A. В., Kazantsev V. B., Gordleeva S. Y., Pitsik E. N., Pisarchik A. N. Human brain state monitoring in perceptual decision-making tasks
Kazantsev V. B. Dynamic transformation of pulse signals in neuronal systems
Klinshov V. V., Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Phase-amplitude clusters in ensemble of Van der Pol generators
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Principles of control and coordination of movement basing on neiro-dynamics
Lebedev A. A., Kazantsev V. B., Stasenko S. V. Study of the influence of synaptic plasticity on the formation of a feature space by a spiking neural network
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Information transport in active electronic fibers. Part II. the fiber as «reaction-diffusion» system
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Information transport in active electronic fibers. Part I. Solitary waves
Zimin I. A., Kazantsev V. B., Stasenko S. V. Artificial neural network with dynamic synapse model
Nekorkin V. I., Kazantsev V. B., Velarde M. G. Dynamic copying in multi-layered bistable lattices