ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Nekorkin Vladimir Isaakovich

Nekorkin Vladimir Isaakovich's picture
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Doctor of Sciences
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С 1986 года и по настоящее время работает на радиофизическом факультете ННГУ, профессор
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Область научных интересов – теория колебаний и волн, структурообразование и нелинейные волны в непрерывных и дискретных средах, синхронизация и пространственно-временной хаос. Имеет более 100 научных публикаций в указанных направлениях, в том числе двух монографий (в соавторстве). В качестве приглашенного профессора читал лекции в Мадридском и Стэнфордском университетах. Работал в Калифорнийском университете.

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Kononov R. A., Maslennikov O. V., Nekorkin V. I. Dynamics of recurrent neural networks with piecewise linear activation function in the context-dependent decision-making task
Kasatkin D. V., Nekorkin V. I. Dynamics of a network of interacting phase oscillators with dynamic couplings
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Autoreset of phase and oscillatory activity patterns in autooscillatory models of neuronal systems
Makarov V. A., Nekorkin V. I. Spatial-time dynamics of auto-oscillation elements chain
Nekorkin V. I., Shchapin D. S., Dmitrichev A. S. Complex wave dynamics of ensemble of neuron-like elements with complex threshold excitation
Nekorkin V. I. Nonlinear Waves 2006
Nekorkin V. I., Vdovin L. V. Map-based model of the neural activity
Dmitrichev A. S., Nekorkin V. I. Stationary localized activity structures in two-dimensional ensemble of Fitzhugh–Nagumo neurons with oscillatory threshold
Dmitrichev A. S., Kasatkin D. V., Klinshov V. V., Kirillov S. Y., Maslennikov O. V., Shchapin D. S., Nekorkin V. I. Nonlinear dynamical models of neurons: Review
Pugavko M. M., Maslennikov O. V., Nekorkin V. I. Dynamics of a network of map-based model neurons for supervised learning of a reservoir computing system
Khramenkov V. A., Dmitrichev A. S., Nekorkin V. I. Threshold stability of the synchronous mode in a power grid with hub cluster topology
Makeeva A. A., Dmitrichev A. S., Nekorkin V. I. Cycles-canards and torus-canards in a weakly inhomogeneous ensemble of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with excitatory synaptic couplings
Kasatkin D. V., Emelianova A. A., Nekorkin V. I. Nonlinear phenomena in Kuramoto networks with dynamical couplings
Klinshov V. V., Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Phase-amplitude clusters in ensemble of Van der Pol generators
Klinshov V. V., Nekorkin V. I. Dynamics of system of neurons with afterdepolarization and inhibitory feedback
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Principles of control and coordination of movement basing on neiro-dynamics
Nekorkin V. I., Artyuhin D. V. Regular and chaotic oscillations in a system composed of two coupled, drastically different FitzHugh - Nagumo elements
Makarov V. A., Nekorkin V. I. Cluster synchronization in a chain of bistable self-exited elements
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Information transport in active electronic fibers. Part I. Solitary waves
Kazantsev V. B., Nekorkin V. I. Information transport in active electronic fibers. Part II. the fiber as «reaction-diffusion» system
Nekorkin V. I., Kazantsev V. B., Velarde M. G. Dynamic copying in multi-layered bistable lattices
Khramenkov V. A., Dmitrichev A. S., Nekorkin V. I. Multistability of synchronous modes in a multimachine power grid with a common load and their global and non-local stability