For citation:
Koronovskii A. A., Ponomarenko V. I., Trubetskov D. I. The dynamics of maps with the threshold type of coupling. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 1997, vol. 5, iss. 2, pp. 63-71. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-1997-5-2-63-71
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The dynamics of maps with the threshold type of coupling
Koronovskii Aleksei Aleksandrovich, Saratov State University
Ponomarenko Vladimir Ivanovich, Saratov Branch of Kotel`nikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Trubetskov Dmitriy Ivanovich, Saratov State University
This article deals with the system of logistic maps with the radically new coupling type. The behaviour of this system differs radically from the behaviour of the logistic maps with the traditional coupling types. The investigation of these systems has been carried out both numerically and with the help of the radio—engineering experiment. We have obtained two-parameter regimes maps оп the control parameters plane.
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The work was supported by the RFBR, grant N 96-02-16753.
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