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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Early Access
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons. Autowaves. Self-Organization.
Solitary deformation waves in two coaxial shells made of material with combined nonlinearity and forming the walls of annular and circular cross-section channels filled with viscous fluid
Detection of focused beams of surface magnetostatic waves in YIG / Pt structures
Influence of additive noise on chimera and solitary states in neural networks
Influence of nonlinearity on the Bragg resonances in coupled magnon crystals
Magnetostatic waves impulses distribution in two-layer ferromagnetic structure
Dynamics of full-coupled chains of a great number of oscillators with a large delay in couplings
Turing instability in the one-parameter Gierer–Meinhardt system
Longitudinal waves in the walls of an annular channel filled with liquid and made of a material with fractional nonlinearity
Influence of parametric instability on spin pumping by dipole-exchange magnetostatic surface waves in YIG–Pt structures
Nonlinear waves of the sine-Gordon equation in the model with three attracting impurities
Excitation by shot circuited coaxial transducer of magnetostatic modes in rectangular yttrium iron garnet film
Spectrum of exchange spin waves in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal with antiferromagnetic ordering
Selection of spatial modes in an ensemble of non-locally coupled chaotic maps
Influence of parameters inhomogeneity on the existence of chimera states in a ring of nonlocally coupled maps
Effect of probing signal on the output signals spectrum of nonlinear spin waves in a cross based on waveguides of iron-yttrium garnet film
Influence of noise on spiral and target wave regimes in two-dimensional lattice of locally coupled maps
Reduced cumulant models for macroscopic dynamics of Kuramoto ensemble with multiplicative intrinsic noise
Micromagnetic modeling of self-focusing effect of backward volume magnetostatic waves in iron-yttrium garnet films
Instability of homogeneous state and two-domain spatiotemporal structures in reaction-diffusion systems with global coupling
Approaches to study of multistability in spatio-temporal dynamics of two-age population
Waves of strain in two coaxial cubically nonlinear cylindrical shells with a viscous fluid between them
Wave processes in a ring of memristively coupled self-excited oscillators
Autowave structures in two-dimensional lattices of nonlocally coupled oscillators
Magnetic field direction influence on the spectrum of spin waves output signals at three-magnon decay of magnetostatic surface waves in a cross based on waveguides of yttrium iron garnet film
Strange waves in the ensemble of van der Pol oscillators
Frequency entrainment and anti-entrainment of coupled active rotators synchronized by common noise
Nonlinear temperature waves: Analysis based on the nonlinear heat equation
Equations with the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam and dislocations nonlinearity
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