«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2013, vol. 21,Iss. 1
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Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Yeryomka V. D.
Terahertz vacuum electromagnetic radiation sources: evolution zigzag from klynotron to klynoorbictron
Trubetskov D. I., Vdovina G. M.
About current state high frequency vacuum electronic and microelectronic devices with field emission
Sinitsyn N. I., Elkin V. A., Betskii O. V.
Determining the value of the structure water-containing environment of living tissue in biomedical radio-electronic nanotechnologies millimetric and terahertz ranges
Solntsev V. A.
By the theory of the electron waves and the discrete electron-wave interaction in the stopbands of the slow-wave systems
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Landa P. S., Ushakov V. G.
Nonlinear systems with fast and slow motions. The change of the probability distribution of fast motions influenced by slow ones