ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Osipov Grigorij Vladimirovich

Osipov Grigorij Vladimirovich's picture
First name: 
Middle name: 
Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank: 
Заведующий кафедрой «Теории управления и динамики систем»

Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Kryukov A. K., Osipov G. V. Oscillatory media properties influence on excitation propagation
Korotkov A. G., Osipov G. V. Sequential activity in neuronal ensembles with excitatory couplings
Mikhaylov A. O., Komarov M. A., Osipov G. V. Sequential switching activity in the ensemble of nonidentical poincare systems
Bastrakov I. I., Gavrilova K. A., Grigorieva S. A., Osipov G. V. The suppression of the excitation of the active medium with a weak external action
Pavlov E. A., Zhuzhoma E. V., Osipov G. V. Alternative methods for spiral wave chaos control and suppressing in cardiac models
Smirnov L. A., Kryukov A. K., Osipov G. V. Rotational dynamics in the system of two coupled pendulums
Khrisanfova S. O., Kadina E. J., Gubina E. V., Kogan L. V., Osipov G. V. The dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled oscillators
Osipov G. V., Sushik M. M. The mechanism of the formation of localized structures in coupled chains of self-excited oscillators
Kryukov A. K., Kanakov O. I., Osipov G. V. Synchronization waves in weak-nonlinear oscillatory ensembles
Kryukov A. K., Osipov G. V., Polovinkin A. V. Variety of synchronous regimes in ensembles of nonidentical oscillators: Chain and lattice
Kryukov A. K., Osipov G. V., Polovinkin A. V. Variety of synchronous regimes in ensembles of nonidentical oscillators: two coupled elements
Petrov V. S., Osipov G. V. Influence of passive elements on the synchronization of oscillatory ensembles
Komarov M. A., Osipov G. V. Generation of slow rhythms and sequential activity in ensembles of neuron-like oscillators
Pavlov E. A., Osipov G. V. Modeling of cardiac activity on the basis of maps: ensembles of coupled elements
Pavlov E. A., Osipov G. V. Modeling of cardiac activity on the basis of maps: dynamics of single element
Grigorieva S. A., Osipov G. V. Optimum external impulse of low power for activation of one- dimensional dynamic system
Levanova T., Kazakov A. O., Korotkov A. G., Osipov G. V. The impact of electrical couplings on the dynamics of the ensemble of inhibitory coupled neuron-like elements
Kostin V. A., Osipov G. V. Instability of homogeneous state and two-domain spatiotemporal structures in reaction-diffusion systems with global coupling