«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2017, Vol. 25, Iss. 1
- 3113 reads
Innovations in applied physics
Novozhilova Y. V., Denisov G. G., Glyavin M. Y., Ryskin N. M., Bakunin V. L., Bogdashov A. A., Melnikova M. M., Fokin A. P.
Gyrotron frequency stabilization under the influence of external monochromatic signal or wave reflected from the load: review
Sakharov V. K., Khivintsev Y. V., Vysotskii S. L., Stognij A. I., Dudko G. M., Filimonov Y. A.
Influence of input signal power on magnetostatic surface waves propagation in yttrium-iron garnet films on silicon substrates
Deterministic Chaos
Yusipov I. I., Laptyeva T. V., Pirova A. J., Meyerov I. B., Ivanchenko M. V.
Few particle diffusion in localizing potentials: chaos and regularity
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Zemlyanukhin A. I., Bochkarev A. V.
Newton’s method of constructing exact solutions to nonlinear differential equations and non-integrable evolution equations
Sysoev I. V., Ponomarenko V. I., Prokhorov M. D.
Reconstruction of unidirectionally coupled time-delayed systems of first order from time series of the driven system