ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)

Ryskin Nikita Mikhailovich

Ryskin Nikita Mikhailovich's picture
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Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank: 
главный научный сотрудник

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Novozhilova Y. V., Denisov G. G., Glyavin M. Y., Ryskin N. M., Bakunin V. L., Bogdashov A. A., Melnikova M. M., Fokin A. P. Gyrotron frequency stabilization under the influence of external monochromatic signal or wave reflected from the load: review
Ryskin N. M., Trubetskov D. I. Nonlinear Waves
Torgashov R. A., Benedik A. I., Ryskin N. M. Study of miniaturized low-voltage backward-wave oscillator with a planar slow-wave structure
Ryskin N. M., Trubetskov D. I. «Lorenz model» for description of the convection in magnetic fluid
Ryskin N. M. Modulational instability of space-charge waves
Ryskin N. M. Solitary space-charge waves
Ryskin N. M. Modulational instability of space-charge waves: numerical simulation
Balyakin A. A., Ryskin N. M. Peculiarities of calculation of the Lyapunov exponents set in distributed self-oscillated systems with delayed feedback
Kuznetsov A. P., Kuznetsov S. P., Ryskin N. M., Isaeva O. B. Nonlinearity: from oscillations to chaos
Ryskin N. M., Usacheva S. A. Synchronization of periodic oscillation in a delayed-feedback oscillator by external harmonic driving
Ryskin N. M., Khavroshin O. S. Controlling chaos in Ikeda system. Spatio–temporal model
Ryskin N. M., Khavroshin O. S. Controlling chaos in Ikeda system. Symplified discrete map model
Titov V. N., Volkov D. V., Jakovlev A. V., Ryskin N. M. Reflex klystron as an example of a self­-oscillating delayed feedback system
Peregorodova E. N., Ryskin N. M., Usacheva S. A. Synchronization of the system of two competing modes by external harmonic signal
Ryskin N. M., Balyakin A. A., Titov V. N., Khavroshin O. S. Nonlinear dynamics of distributed systems: Delayed systems, vacuum microwave devices, systems of interacting non-linear waves
Novozhilova Y. V., Ryskin N. M., Chumakova M. M. Effect of reflection from remote load on mode competition in gyrotron with quasi­-optical mode convertor
Adilova A. B., Ryskin N. M. Study of synchronization in the system of two delay-coupled gyrotrons using a modified quasilinear model
Ryskin N. M., Rozhnev A. G., Minenna D. F., Elskens Y., Andre’ F. Nonstationary discrete theory of excitation of periodic structures and its application for simulation of traveling-wave tubes
Ryskin N. M., Rozhnev A. G., Ginzburg N. S., Zotova I. V. Nonlinear dynamics of the backward-wave oscillator as the origin of nonstationary microwave electronics
Ryskin N. M. 70 years of Naum Samuilovich Ginzburg
Rostuntsova A. А., Ryskin N. M. Study of character of modulation instability in cyclotron resonance interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a counterpropagating rectilinear electron beam
Rozhnev A. G., Ryskin N. M. To the memory of Dmitry V. Sokolov
Dmitriev B. S., Zharkov Y. D., Kizhaeva K. K., Klokotov D. V., Ryskin N. M., Shigaev A. M. Complex dynamics of multiple-cavity klystron oscillators with delayed feedback
Adilova A. B., Ryskin N. M. Synchronization of oscillators with hard excitation coupled with delay Part 1. Phase approximation
Kuznetsov A. P., Ryskin N. M. Department of Dynamic Systems of Saratov State University on the basis of the SB IRE RAS — 25 years
Krasichkov L. V., Ryskin N. M. Amplification of deterministic chaotic signal in system «electron beam - backward electromagnetic wave»
Rozhnev A. G., Melnikova M. M., Ryskin N. M. Spectral approach with iterative clarification of a radiation boundary conditions for modeling of quasimodes of a gyrotrons open cavities
Eliseev M. V., Isaeva O. B., Rozhnev A. G., Ryskin N. M. Simulation of field emission from fractal surface
Dmitrieva T. V., Ryskin N. M., Titov V. N., Shigaev A. M. Complex dynamics of simple models of extended electron-wave systems
Ryskin N. M., Titov V. N. On the transition to chaos scenario in one parameter model of a backward wave oscillator
Trubetskov D. I., Levin Y. I., Ryskin N. M. Physics of Waves. Curriculum
Adilova A. B., Ryskin N. M. Synchronization of oscillators with hard excitation coupled with delay Part 2. Amplitude-phase approximation
Ryskin N. M., Trubetskov D. I. Explosive instability in systems «two interacting electron beams - electromagnetic wave»