«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2014, vol. 22, Iss. 5
- 2912 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Jalnine A. Y.
A new information transfer scheme based on phase modulation of a carrier chaotic signal
Kurushina S. E., Gromova L. I., Shapovalova E. A.
Nonlinear multivariate selfconsistent fokker–planck equation for multicomponent reactiondiffusion systems
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Semenov V. V., Listov A. S., Vadivasova T. E.
Experimental study of stochastic phenomena in a selfsustained oscillator with subcritical andronov–hopf bifurcation
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
Innovations in applied physics
Mazhirina Y. A., Melnikov L. A., Turitsyn S. K., Churkin D. V., Tarasov N. S.
Nonlinear dynamics of long mirrorless fiber raman laser