«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2000, Vol. 8, Iss. 5

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Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Saichev I. S., Saichev A. I.
Fluctuations of contours of passive tracer equal concentration in turbulent medium
Shuvalova E. V., Kubasov A. A., Romanovsky Y. M., Chikishev A. Y.
Dynamics of proton transfer in ∝-chymotrypsin enzyme active site
Muzychuk O. V.
Relaxation of probability characteristics of dynamical systems, described by Ferhulst stochastic equation with «pink» noise
Usanov D. A., Venig S. B., Skvortsov S. I.
Magnetogcontrolled generation with period-adding sequence and chaos in the circuit with magnetotransistor
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Zhusubaliev Z. T., Emelyanova E. Y.
On synchronization of quasi-periodic oscillation at C-bifurcations in a piecewise-linear nonautonomous dynamic system
Deterministic Chaos
Kuznetsov A. P., Shirokov A. P.
Comparative analysis of approximate and precise mapping for a «bouncing ball»