«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2008, Vol. 16, Iss. 6
- 2322 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Pavlov A. N.
Detection of information signals based on reconstruction of dynamical systems and discrete wavelet-transform
Ponomarenko V. P.
Dynamical regimes and nonlinear phenomena in generator with frequency-phase control
Usanov D. A., Skripal A. V., Avdeev K. S.
Laser autodyne measurements of ear-drum displacement caused by change of sound pressure level
Deterministic Chaos
Anikin V. M., Arkadaksky S. S., Remizov A. S., Kuptsov S. N., Vasilenko L. P.
Investigation of structure of invariant density for Renyi map by Gauss method
Nonlinear Dynamics in Action
Innovations in applied physics
Bondus A. A., Gorbachev V. P., Stepanchuk V. P., Maksimov R. V., Mutasov D. V., Marchenko V. K.
X-band magnetron electronic conductivity