«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1996, Vol. 4, Iss. 1

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Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Bazhenov M. V., Rabinovich M. I., Rubchinsky L. L.
А simple model for a neuron with complex oscillatory activity
Autowaves. Self-organization
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Zimnyakov D. А., Tuchin V. V., Mishin A. A.
Imaging of the biotissues fractal structures using spatial speckle-correlometry technique
Journal in the journal
Zatsepina G. N., Tylskii S. V., Gorynov N. N.
Measuring of the constant electric field fine structure changes as a method for the differential diagnostic of different diseases
Ivanov P. S., Butylin A. A.
Non-parametric analysis of collective effects in the ensemble of ionic channels
Kudryashow Y. I., Rozanov V. V., Sysoev N. N., Uskov L. F.
Numerical investigation for non-linear problems of explosive technologies
Akimov A. I., Baranov A. N., Saletsky A. M.
Weak magnetic fields influence on growth and leaves photosynthesis activity of beans
Pivovarov Y. P., Korolik V. V.
А modern consideration of the problem of hygienic norms of biotechnological bacteria cultures in environment
Kreines M. G.
Modelling knowledge based systems for classification problems: new information technology for insufficiently formalized knowledge