«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 1999, Vol. 7, Iss. 1

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Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Kuznetsov A. P., Shirokov A. P.
Complex dynamics of two-mode low-dimension model of free electron laser
Deterministic Chaos
Andreyev Y. V.
Global synchronization in lattices of chaotic maps with limited number of connections
Journal in the journal
Bliokh K. Y., Bliokh Y. P., Ljubarskij M. G., Podobinsky V. O.
Automodulation regime of linear beam-plasma microwave amplifier caused by excitation of ion-sound waves in plasma
Loskutov A. J., Mushenkov A. V., Odintsov A. I., Fedoseev A. I.
Chaotic generation in a crossflow laser with spatial nonuniform excitation
Bezruchko B. P., Seleznev E. P., Smirnov D. A.
Reconstructing equations of a nonautonomous nonlinear oscillator from a time series: models, experiment
Kozlov A. K., Sushik M. M., Molkov J. I., Kuznetsov A. S.
Symmetry breaking, multistability and chaos in the system of two coupled identical Van der Pol - Duffing oscillators
Rubchinsky L. L., Sushik M. M.
Direct and reverse relationship between disordered spatial and temporal patterns in arrays of chaotic oscillators
Postnov D. E., Sosnovtseva O. V., Han S. K.
Transition from antiphase to inphase synchronization in coupled neuron models