«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2007, vol. 15, Iss. 2
- 4141 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Kuznetsov A. P., Savin A. V., Sataev I. R.
On the critical behavior of non-identical asymmetrically coupled Chua’s circuits
Pavlov A. N., Pavlova O. N., Sosnovtseva O. V.
Interaction of rhythms in the dynamics of functional units of the kidney
Autowaves. Self-organization
Goldobin D. S.
Localization of flows in a horizontal layer subject to randomly inhomogeneous heating
Deterministic Chaos
Astakhov V. V., Shabunin A. V., Stalmahov P. A.
Asymmetrical coupling influence on bifurcational mechanizms of antiphase chaotic synchronization destruction
Mishagin K. G., Matrosov V. V., Shalfeev V. D., Shohnin V. V.
Generation of chaotic oscillations in experimental scheme of three cascade-coupled phase systems
Anikin V. M., Remizov A. S., Arkadaksky S. S.
Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Perron–Frobenius operator of piece-wise linear chaotic maps
Nonlinear Dynamics in Action
Rubanov V. G., Filatov A. G., Kasjanov J. V., Rudnev A. A.
Application of nonlinear dynamics methods in the automatized control system of spirit rectification process
History of Nonlinear Dynamics. Personalia
Science for Education
Perminov A. O.
Summer physics mathematics school «Varnavino» of the institute of applied physics of ras