«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2008, vol. 16, Iss. 4
- 2415 reads
Deterministic Chaos
Nonlinear Waves. Solitons
Methodical Papers on Nonlinear Dynamics
Kuznetsov A. P., Novikov E. V., Savin A. V.
Period doubling maps with driving parameter modulated by delayed feedback
History of Nonlinear Dynamics. Personalia
Journal in the journal
Astakhov V. V., Sherbakov P. A., Koblyanskiy S. A., Shabunin A. V.
Synchronization of spatial-periodic modes in the ring of oscillators with phase multystability
Postnov D. E., Zhirin R. A., Serdobinceva J. A.
Noise-induced coherent firing patterns in small neural ensembles with ionic coupling
Kuznetsov A. P., Stankevich N. V., Turukina L. V.
Coupled van der pol and van der Pol–Duffing oscillators: dynamics of phase and computer simulation
Kashchenko S. A., Kashchenko I. S.
Asymptotics of complex spatio-temporal structures in the systems with large delay
Zhukov K. G., Chechin G. M.
Group-theoretical methods for simplification of stability analysis of dynamical regimes in nonlinear systems with discrete symmetry