«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2020, Vol. 28, Iss. 1
- 4380 reads
Review of Actual Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics
Vdovina G. M.
A brief review of the research results of new methods for generating, transmitting and receiving oscillations and waves based on fractal geometry methods
Bifurcation in Dynamical Systems. Deterministic Chaos. Quantum Chaos.
Artemova O. I., Krevchik V. D., Semenov M. B.
Nonlinear two-dimensional dynamics of interacting cancer cells under extracellular field conditions
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Zakovorotny V. L., Gvindjiliya V. E.
Link between the self-organization of dynamic cutting system and tool wear
Modeling of Global Processes. Nonlinear Dynamics and Humanities.
Perevaryukha A. Y.
Modeling of oscillating population dynamics of aquatic organisms in the «resource–consumer» system using cellular automata
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
Pugavko M. M., Maslennikov O. V., Nekorkin V. I.
Dynamics of a network of map-based model neurons for supervised learning of a reservoir computing system
Rooy M. ., Novikov N. A., Zakharov D. G., Gutkin B. S.
Interaction between PFC neural networks ultraslow fluctuations and brain oscillations
Grishchenko A. A., Sysoeva M. V., Sysoev I. V.
Detecting the primary time scale of evolution of information properties for local field potentials in brain at absence epilepsy