«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2012, vol. 20, Iss. 2
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Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Vysotskii S. L., Nikitov S. A., Novitsky N. N., Pavlov E. S., Stognij A. I., Filimonov Y. A.
Influence of first order parametric instability on formation of forbidden gaps in spectra of magnetostatic surface waves in one-dimensional ferrite magnonic crystal
Shlufman K. V., Fishman B. E., Frisman E. Y.
Features of modes for one-dimensional model of ricker
Shabunin A. V.
Control of multistability and forced synchronization in coupled self-sustained oscillators with period-doubling bifurcations
Semenov A. A., Usanov D. A., Kolokin A. A.
Temperature dependence of complex oscillatory operation modes of the magnetically controlled two-terminal device oscillator
Sysoeva M. V., Dikanev T. V., Sysoev I. V.
Selecting time scales for empirical model construction
Benedik A. I.
Numerical simulation of the field emission diode oscillator with photonic crystal resonator
Emelyanov V. V.
Numerical simulation of nonlinear dynamics in multiple cavity klystron oscillator with delayed feedback by the "partikle-in- cell» method
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Grigorieva S. A., Osipov G. V.
Optimum external impulse of low power for activation of one- dimensional dynamic system
Popova E. S.
Influence of fluctuations on evolution of three-dimensional torus in nonautonomous system
Nonlinear Dynamics in Action
Ryazanova G. E., Ryazantsev N. V.
Experimental determination of continuous vibrations in electroconductivity of natural waters