«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2015, vol. 23, Iss.6
- 2858 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Ponomarenko V. I., Prokhorov M. D., Koronovskii A. A., Moskalenko O. I., Hramov A. E.
Method for generalized synchronization detecting and its application to communication systems
Tikhomirov A. A., Mishagin K. G., Laptyeva T. V., Kanakov O. I.
Self-trapping and breathers in disordered nonlinear oscillatory lattices
Mohammad Y. H., Pavlov A. N.
Largest Lyapunov exponent of chaotic oscillatory regimes computing from point processes in the noise presence
Zaitsev V. V., Stulov I. V.
About influence of the changed harmonics on dynamics of self-oscillations in discrete time
Innovations in applied physics
Bezgina I. P., Yeryomka V. D., Makulina T. A., Mytsenko I. M.
Current-less tuning and control of self-oscillations frequency terahertz range klynotron
Nonlinear Dynamics and Humanities
History of Nonlinear Dynamics. Personalia
Bogatov E. M., Mukhin R. R.
The relation between the nonlinear analysis, bifurcations and nonlinear dynamics (on the example of voronezh school of nonlinear functional analysis)