«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2012, vol. 20, Iss. 5
- 2183 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Vadivasova T. E., Slepnev A. V.
The studies of the arising of oscillations in the quasiharmonic model of the selfsustained oscillatory medium under multiplicative noise excitation
Novikov S. S., Usjukevich A. A.
Destruction of the coherent mode in system of two oscillators at the strong resonant mutual couplings
Methodical Papers on Nonlinear Dynamics
Kuznetsov A. P., Sedova Y. V.
Bifurcations of three and fourdimensional maps: universal properties
Autowaves. Self-organization
Usanov D. A., Rytik A. P.
Influence of terahertz electromagnetic radiation on the frequency of absorption of molecular oxygen on briggs–rauscher oscillating reaction
Materials XV Winter School-seminar on microwave electronics and radiophysics
Vyatkina S. A., Nistratov N. P., Babichev R. K., Ivanov V. N.
Experimental research of dispersion of magnetostatic surface waves
Ustinov A. B., Drozdovskii A. V., Kalinikos B. A.
Envelope solitons and modulation instability of spin waves in magnonic crystals
Zavertanniy V. V., Kishko S. A., Ponomarenko S. S., Efimov B. P., Zabrodskiy A. F., Kirichenko L. A., Kudinova T. V., Kuleshov A. N.
Magnetic focusing system for intense electron beams of submillimeter clinotrons
Kurkin S. A., Koronovskii A. A., Hramov A. E., Egorov E. N., Runnova A. E., Magda I. I., Melezhik O. G.
Three-dimensional simulation of virtode with toroidal cavities
Grishin S. V., Dmitriev B. S., Zharkov Y. D., Manyshev R. A., Skorokhodov V. N.
Chaotic microwave pulse generation in wideband spinwave and vacuum oscillators of chaos under external periodical influence