«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2006, vol. 14, Iss. 6
- 2174 reads
Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory
Makarenko N. G., Karimova L. M., Muhamedzhanova S. A., Knjazeva I. S.
Iterated function system and marcovian prediction of time series
Lavrova A. I., Pljusnina T. J., Riznichenko G. J.
Transient states and self-oscillating modes along the cell membrane of algae Chara Corallina
Kuznetsov A. P., Sedova Y. V.
Scaling in dynamics of duffing oscillator under impulses influence with random modulation of parameters
Kuznetsov A. P., Stankevich N. V., Turukina L. V.
Features of the synchronization picture by the pulses in the system with 3-dimensional phase space by the example of the Ressler system
Usanov D. A., Skripal A. V., Usanova T. B., Rytik A. P.
The change of the heart activity character under nystagmus suppression during periodic light influence
Brjuhanov J. A., Rudyh D. V., Priorov A. L.
Oscillations in autonomous 2-D recursive digital systems of first order with three levels of quantization
Pavlova O. N., Tupicyn A. N., Pavlov A. N.
Influence of low-frequency magnetic field on characteristics of physiological tremor
Deterministic Chaos
Brazhe R. A., Kudelin O. N.
Experimental realization of Lorenz model of liquid’s convective instability in vertical toroidal loop
Bifurcations in Dynamical Systems
Astakhov V. V., Shabunin A. V., Stalmahov P. A.
Bifurcational mechanisms of destruction of antiphase chaotic synchronization in coupled discrete-time systems
Astakhov V. V., Shabunin A. V., Stalmahov P. A.
Antiphase synchronization and multistability formation in symmetrically coupled bistable systems