«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2024, Vol. 32, Iss. 3
- 1238 reads
Hramov A. E.
Professor Alexander Pisarchik: scientific achievements and 70 years of productive activity
Modeling of Global Processes. Nonlinear Dynamics and Humanities.
Nguyen B. H., Tsybulin V. G.
High order accuracy scheme for modeling the dynamics of predator and prey in heterogeneous environment
Innovations in applied physics
Rozhnev A. G., Melnikova M. M., Ryskin N. M.
Spectral approach with iterative clarification of a radiation boundary conditions for modeling of quasimodes of a gyrotrons open cavities
Sychev A. В., Postnikov E. B.
On the relationship between the observed dynamics of a colorimetric indicator and the nonlinear dynamics of the population growth under study in the case of microbial cultures
Fateev D. В., Mashinsky K. V.
Electrodynamic approach for calculating the absorption spectra of plasmons in a rectangle with a two-dimensional electron gas excited by an incident electromagnetic wave
Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience
Kornilov M. V., Kapustnikov A. A., Sozonov E. A., Sysoeva M. V., Sysoev I. V.
Synchronization regimes in the ring of rodent hippocampal neurons at limbic epilepsy
Glyzin D. S., Glyzin S. D., Kolesov A. Y.
A new approach to mathematical modeling of chemical synapses
Stasenko S. V., Shemagina O. V., Eremin E. V., Yakhno V. G., Parin S. B., Polevaia S. A.
Using machine learning algorithms to determine the emotional maladjustment of a person by his rhythmogram