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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Department of Dynamic Systems of Saratov State University on the basis of the SB IRE RAS — 25 years
Simple and complex dynamics in the model of evolution of two populations coupled by migration with non-overlapping generations
Cycles-canards and torus-canards in a weakly inhomogeneous ensemble of FitzHugh–Nagumo neurons with excitatory synaptic couplings
Equations with the Fermi–Pasta–Ulam and dislocations nonlinearity
Bifurcations of one-parameter families of steady state regimes in model of a filtrational convection
New type of bifurcations in the modified Rayleigh–Benard convection problem
Dynamics of two nonlinearly coupled nonidentical Lang–Kobayshi oscillators
Subharmonic resonance in a system of two dissipative coupled van der Pol oscillators with external force
Nonlinear effects in autooscillatory system with frequency-phase control
Bifurcations of three and fourdimensional maps: universal properties
Nonlinear dynamics of a ring of three phase systems
Changes of the parameter plane of driven auto-oscillatory system caused by delayed modulation of the parameter
Synchronization and multi-frequency quasi-periodicity in the dynamics of coupled oscillators
Regular and chaotic dynamics of two-ring phase locked system. Part 1 - Dynamics of frequency-phase system with identical first-order filters in control circuits
Backward stochastic bifurcations of the henon map
On quasi-synchronous regimes in a phase lock loop with the second-order filter and approximate inclusion of the delay
Bifurcations and oscillatory modes in complex system with phase control
Self-organization and bifurcations of dynamical metal cutting system
Influence of a flexural deformation of a tool on self-organization and bifurcations of dynamical metal cutting system
Regular and chaotic dynamics of two-ring phase locked system. Part 2 - Peculiarities of nonlinear dynamics of frequency-phase system with identical third-order filters in control circuits
Bifurcations in active predator – passive prey model
Dynamic modes of two-age population model
Competition in the twocomponent model of the immune T-cell ensemble
Observation of bifurcations in the nd-glass laser with short-time resonant modulation of loss
Nonlinear dynamics of a ring of two coupled phase locked loops
The study of multistability and external synchronization in nonautonomous system of two coupled van der pol oscillators with repulsive coupling
The relation between the nonlinear analysis, bifurcations and nonlinear dynamics (on the example of voronezh school of nonlinear functional analysis)
About the history of nonlinear integral equations
Dynamical modes and nonlinear phenomena in modified autooscillatory system with frequency-phase control
Nonlinear dynamical models of neurons: Review
Legacy of Alexander Mikhailovich Lyapunov and nonlinear dynamics
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