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Izvestiya VUZ
applied nonlinear dynamics
ISSN 0869-6632 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1905 (Online)
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Early Access
Dynamics of an off-axis gaussian beam with astigmatism and twist in a transparent nonlinear waveguide medium
Bifurcation diagram in case of ring interferometer containing liquid crystal: effect of diffusion
Complex dynamics of coherent structures in two-stream vircator
On synchronization of the third order quasi-periodic systems by a periodic signal
Transient processes in recursive digital second-order system with nonlinearity of saturation
Cluster synchronization in a chain of bistable self-exited elements
Diagnostics of cardio-vascular diseases with help of largest lyapunov exponent of RR-sequences
Discrete map - flow system analog
Oscillation in a two coupling virtod-type virtual cathode oscillators with controllable connector: numerical simulation
Influence of distributed feedback on chaotic virtual cathode oscillation
On the transition to chaos scenario in one parameter model of a backward wave oscillator
The nonlinear phenomena in vacuum microelectronic structures
Generation of ultrashort pulse based ом the superradiance of isolated electron bunch
Collective processes in the space charge of microsecond REB
Transients at excitation of waveguides
On origination of chaotic attractor by the magnetic momentum vector motion in external oscillating magnetic field
The forming of autodyne signal in semiconductor laser with the movement of the external reflector
Features of Maxwell's "treatise on electricity and magnetism" and principles of scientific translation
Replicator as a mediator between man and history
Complex dynamics of simple models of extended electron-wave systems
Professor V.D. Zernov letters of the period of foundation and development of Saratov University 1909-1914
Dynamical regimes and bifurcations of two interacting synhronizing systems
Two-parameter analysis of chaos synchronization
On some models of price forming in market economy
«Chaotic hierarchy» in the model map
Univariate cellular automata supported moving structures with broad kit of velocities
New model of the interface depinning and soft universality in the theory of self-organized criticality
Statistical theory of open systems
Features of Maxwell's "treatise on electricity and magnetism" and principles of scientific translation
Frequency detuning influence on spatio-temfporal structure of wide area laser field
Space charge influence to generation and amplification of a signal during interaction of electron beam and electromagnetic field close to the cutoff of slow wave structure
Nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems
Influence of thermal velocity distribution on electron beam - backward electromagnetic wave interaction
Theoretical and experimental investigations of self-modulation regimes in the megawatt power x band BWO
Bifurcations in the point model of ring interferometer with delay and field turn
Dynamic model of a group of people based on lattice gas with non-local interactions
Simulation of field emission from fractal surface
Loss of chaos synchronization in coupled Rossler systems
Wavelet analysis of critical attractors
Nonlinear dynamics of solid-state microwave devices
Forty years from the date of publication of one short message
On the theory of the quasi-optical resonators with periodical structures
Computing largest Lyapunov exponent from a sequence of return times: possibilities and limitations
Modern methods for transient electromagnetic fields simulation
Nonlinear - elastic waves in Mindlin - Herrmann rod
Chaotic oscillations in microwave and low-frequency circuits of the Gunn diode generator
Oscillations in first-order non-linear recursive digital circuits under constant external influence
Absolute and convective instabilities and pattern formation in a model of distributed reaction - diffusion system with flow
Professor V.D. Zernov letters of the period of foundation and development of Saratov University
To the 120th anniversary of the birth of L.I. Mandelstam
School on the invention of radio… and something else
Bifurcations in a structure of a free-growing dendrite during solidification of a binary system
The dynamical model of locomotor-like movements evoked by muscle vibration in humans
Using of digital signal processors for chaos generation and chaotic communication
Precision chaotic oscillator with piecewise-linear characteristic of nonlinear element
Autostochastic system of coupled microwave oscillators
Influence of plasma nonlinearity on process of radiation stochastization in beam-plasma microwave oscillators
Investigation of oscillations of electron beam with virtual cathode in vircator and virtod
Exact soliton-like solution of the fifth-order nonlinear evolution equation
Numerical investigation of self-action effects of backward volume magnetostatic waves confined beams in ferromagnetic films
The generator with magnetosensitive inertial nonlinearity
Mechanisms of chaotic synchronization loss in the system of coupled cubic maps
On the invention of radio ...and something else
Saratov University as a cultural centre of Nizhniye Povolzhje
Transition from antiphase to inphase synchronization in coupled neuron models
Direct and reverse relationship between disordered spatial and temporal patterns in arrays of chaotic oscillators
Symmetry breaking, multistability and chaos in the system of two coupled identical Van der Pol - Duffing oscillators
Reconstructing equations of a nonautonomous nonlinear oscillator from a time series: models, experiment
Chaotic generation in a crossflow laser with spatial nonuniform excitation
Automodulation regime of linear beam-plasma microwave amplifier caused by excitation of ion-sound waves in plasma
Global synchronization in lattices of chaotic maps with limited number of connections
Complex dynamics of two-mode low-dimension model of free electron laser
A features of the complex dynamics of the nonlinear oscillators with Thom’s catastrophes
Dynamics of nonlinear digital recursive second-order circuits under constant external influence
Scaling properties at transition to chaos in model maps in the presence of noise
Peculiarities of relaxation то invariant probability measure on chaotic attractors of Lorenz and Rossler systems in the presence of noise
Comparative analysis of some chaotic synchronous communication systems
Self-oscillations in dissipative ring Toda chain
Coupled map lattice with non-uniform diffusion as a possible model for effects of integration in university structure
Self-organired criticality in hierarchical management structures
Risk management and sustainable development. Humanitarian dimension
Informational dynamics of neurons
Modernized solar monitor of second generation from «Resurs-01» № 4 satellite
Big bifurcation: birth of mathematical modelling
Comparative analysis of approximate and precise mapping for a «bouncing ball»
On synchronization of quasi-periodic oscillation at C-bifurcations in a piecewise-linear nonautonomous dynamic system
Bistable system with external dynamical influence
Magnetogcontrolled generation with period-adding sequence and chaos in the circuit with magnetotransistor
Relaxation of probability characteristics of dynamical systems, described by Ferhulst stochastic equation with «pink» noise
Dynamics of proton transfer in ∝-chymotrypsin enzyme active site
Fluctuations of contours of passive tracer equal concentration in turbulent medium
Shear propagation model in strongly compressed crystal
The influence of time delay on interacting scientific fields dynamics
External phase synchronization of chaotic oscillators chain
Controlled antiphase chaotic synchronization in coupled cubic maps
Numerical estimation of biological rhythms destruction coursed by labour regimes
Some models of lattice-gas class related with population number description
Nonlinear dynamics of tunnel-diode oscillator at the influence of external microwave signal
Regimes of behaviour in the system of coupled oscillators with phase control
Chaotic oscillation in piecewise-linear model of the relay system with hysteresis
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